
Preparing Your Home for a New Baby

May 28
Category | Events

Welcoming a new baby into the world is exciting, scary and hard work all tied together. Everyone knows that baby proofing your home or apartment is necessary, but most people don’t realize you can save a lot of money by doing all the basics, and not wasting it on things you don’t need. Among some of the most important items are:

Baby Monitor: If you want to spend the extra money on a fancy monitor with a viewing screen, in addition to audio, that’s great. However, the most important thing is to be able to hear your baby. Most monitors have great digital range and can be used well after your child’s baby stage.

Baby Gates: With toddlers especially, who will always attempt to gain access to off limits places, baby gates act as an invisible guard. Make sure that any gate you purchase is high enough so your child can’t climb over. Always install a gate at the top of stairs since tension gates are not always reliable.

Electrical Outlet Blocks: These simple plastic covers have worked for decades and are essential to baby proofing your home. Remember to tie up any cords that are hanging low so your child can’t pull down lamps or computers from a tabletop.

Crib: As special and charming as a passed down crib can be, it’s important to purchase new when it comes to this necessity. Safety codes are always changing and a crib from ten or more years ago, most likely isn’t up to set standards. Cribs that have adjustable sides will allow you to use it longer as your child continues to grow.

Doorknob Covers: These covers are an easy way to block off entry to rooms that you don’t want your child getting into. There are several types on the market, but whatever ones work for your doors specifically are what you should purchase. Doorknob covers work so well, they can even be tough for parents to adjust to. smiley

Remember that a safe home makes things easier for you as you adjust to life with your new baby. To get the best view of the dangers in your home, get on your hands and knees to view the house from a baby’s level. You might be surprised how much there is for your child to get into.